Tuesday 20 November 2012

Contextual Studies Research: Skyrim books

To start researching the presentation I decided to begin by looking at the entire list of all books and notes within Skyrim. This was still quite daunting to fit into a ten minute time slot!


These provide a huge amount of narrative regarding both historical and present events and locations within the Skyrim game world, as well as the Elder Scrolls series in general. They often provide useful links between all areas of the game's world; Tamriel. It is through books that the player is provided with information which can aid them in their travels and future battles.

A good example of this is in "Biography of the Wolf Queen", in which an evil queen tries to take power over the kingdom, eventually using undead to do her bidding. This culminates in her death after a month long siege, although her spirit is rumoured to haunt the castle as shown here. "It is also said that her madness so infused Castle Solitude that it infected the next king to rule there." "Skyrim" (2011).

The book first appeared in Morrowind (2002), then Oblivion (2005) and finally Skyrim (2011). The book first appeared 9 years before the release of the area in question, being a far off land with little known about its history. However when in Skyrim the lore becomes much more relevant to the player and results in a quest to defeat the Wolf Queen. I personally had experience with this, previously knowing of the Queen and being fascinated by the events told by the book. When the time came to meet her all of the feelings and emotions from the book were recalled, resulting in a much more meaningful experience than if I previously knew nothing of her.


Bethesda Softworks. (2011). Skyrim. [DISC]. PC. ZeniMax Europe Ltd.

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